Why Children Need Life Lessons
How Life Lessons Work

"Life Lessons" are a simple yet effective way for parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and others to make a positive impact on a child's life. Life Lessons can be used to teach ethics and values, as well as motivate and inspire.
Life Lessons are messages that you believe will guide the child's growth. The Life Lessons are printed on cards and presented to the child at selected times. For example, Life Lessons might be presented each day you are on vacation.
Life Lessons become a forum for thought and discussion for you and the child. In most cases it only takes about 15 minutes - a very small investment in time for a very large potential benefit...

Forum Coming Soon!
(Volunteer Moderators wanted)
The Life Lesson Network will be adding a forum soon. We are currently looking for un-paid volunteer moderators for the forum.

Is there a child in your life? Can they use your advice?

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